Monday, 29 October 2012

Review for My Lady Mage (Warriors of the Mist #1) by Alexis Morgan

My Lady Mage (Warriors of the Mist, #1)My Lady Mage by Alexis Morgan
My rating: 2 of 5 stars

A cursed destiny. A band of warriors. And one troubled kingdom.

It is whispered in Agathia that the legendary warriors of the mist—cursed by the gods—can be summoned only when a champion is needed and the cause is just. Gideon, their captain, knows this to be the one path that will lead his men to redemption—lest they face an eternity of damnation.

Years have passed since anyone has journeyed to the river's edge, but times are desperate. Oppressed by a cruel guardian whose dark magic threatens to destroy her people, the beautiful and courageous Merewen calls upon the bespelled warriors. In Gideon she finds more than a champion, and in his arms, more than protection. However, their enemies are fighting with a power darker than anything than they imagined, and should Gideon fail, she will lose everything she holds dear—including her heart

2 - 2.5 rating...

Honestly, I suppose this was an okay read, well that's what two stars stands for, but for me, it never really clicked. Maybe it was because I was expecting something along the lines of C.L. Wilson's Tairen Soul, and was really psyched to read it.

However throughout the story (except for a brief period towards the end) I was thinking to myself, "when will this end?"

For one, the world seemed to be thinly developed, in terms of, for this type of book, I was expecting it to be high-fantasy. There's magic in here (no that alone doesn't make a high-fanatsy but bear with me), with these ancient warriors, who have been curse by the gods (by the way we know next to nothing about these gods) and they can be summoned in times of danger. There's an evil person practicing dark magic. But we never get the feeling of it. That's my problem right there, for something that's classified as fantasy-romance, I have never seen the world. It's just oh, "let me mention about magic here and there, and never explain anything, or show it in motion." Yes, Merewen uses magic, but we never get the sense/feel of it. Heck we don't know what it is really. But then again, that can be something the author plans on explaining later.

Which brings me to Merewen herself, much like the story, I didn't get any sense of personality itself and I felt that she was made out to be this perfect being. Oh everyone loves her, oh she does things that warms my heart, oh...she is so brave. Okay, fine, say that she is all those things, show it. Don't make her do something minor and then turn it into a big whoop-ti-do-da. It's like the author is telling us this character is so great, but I am yet to see great feats from her.

Gideon is another blah character, but at least we're not being bombarded the wonders of his everything.

In fact the more interesting characters in this book seemed to be the side characters and (more than anything else) the animals.

The writing, as I said before, seemed to be more of a telling than showing nature...or at least that's how it felt to me. And everything else was probably average...I'm probably in the minority here though, seeing as this has an average 4.01.

I didn't hate it though (aside from merewen's character..and it's more dislike than hate) so I won't rate it a one star.

Will I be checking out the other books? maybe, I still want to know what's going on (I'm a glutton for punishment), but I won't be breaking my neck to get a copy.

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